The Bible is My Guide

In the Bible story, Jesus shares a parable of two men who built houses on different foundations. Jesus explained that those who build their life on His words are like the man building on a firm foundation. God’s Word can help us make good choices in our life and ultimately build our life on the right foundation. As we read His Word, God speaks through it and uses it to help guide our life. No matter what we’re facing in life, we can listen to what God is saying through His Word and be guided to make the right choices.
Session Downloads
Leader Guide
-docx (1,014.6 KB)
Faith Fact Slide
- jpg (288.1 KB)
Faith Verse Video
- mp4 (108.4 MB)
Faith Verse Slide
- jpg (400.4 KB)
Bible Lesson Video
- mp4 (62 MB)
Teaching Point Slide 1-3
-zip (592.8 KB)
Large Group Game Page
-pdf (694.3 KB)
Small Group Activity Page
-pdf (914.1 KB)