Digital curriculum that equips students to be disciples of the Word

Show students how to take ownership of their faith

Discussion-focused group time
Engage students with questions designed to create genuine, honest discussion.

Engaging Videos
Make sure teens are interested in the lesson with videos that emphasize Bible truths.

Personal devotions
Show students how to explore Scripture on their own with coordinating devos.

Simplify prep and teaching for leaders and engage students in the Bible—all in one app.
Empower students to take charge of their walk with Christ
Students like to figure things out for themselves, so Bible Engagement Program curriculum for youth is designed to show them how to engage Scripture on their own. Each curriculum works together to create an intentional discipleship program that teaches your students how to have an ongoing, active relationship with the Bible, long after these classes end.
Create a free account
Explore the Youth Library
(All included with your Bible Engagement Project subscription)

Listen Youth
Through 40 weeks of intriguing, inspiring sessions, Listen Youth walks your students through the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, so they can understand the entire epic story—and the amazing role God has for them in it.

Learn Youth
Sometimes, the Bible can seem irrelevant to young people’s lives today. Learn Youth is designed to not only give classes a deep understanding of the Bible’s core truths, but also show them where each of those truths connects to them as people and why they should matter to their lives.

Live Youth
Live Youth helps students connect their identity to Christ and center their life choices around Him by teaching them how to live out the same transformations as Bible characters encountering Jesus.
Digital curriculum, personal devotions, and more—all in one subscription
Here’s everything you get:

Preschool Curriculum

Kids Curriculum

Youth Small Group

Adult Small Group
How it Works

Subscribe to Bible Engagement Project
Subscribe to Bible Engagement Project

Download the App
Download the App

Invite your church
Invite your church

See everyone engage with the Bible!
See everyone engage with the Bible!