I Put God First

The rich man approached Jesus and asked Him a simple question. What must I do to inherit eternal life? In essence, he was asking how he should live for God so that one day he may live with God. Jesus’ answer ended with this: Give up everything and follow Me. Jesus wasn’t arguing that it was wrong to own possessions, but He was helping the man understand that God must be the first priority of our life.
Session Downloads
Leader Guide
-docx (1 MB)
Countdown Video - 60 Seconds
- mp4 (75.8 MB)
Faith Fact Slide
- jpg (273.4 KB)
Faith Verse Video
- mp4 (19.5 MB)
Faith Verse Slide
- jpg (371.1 KB)
Bible Lesson Video
- mp4 (50.6 MB)
Teaching Point Slide 1-3
-zip (438.5 KB)
Large Group Game Pages
-pdf (1.3 MB)
Small Group Group Connection
-pdf (1.3 MB)
Small Group Faith Verse Review
-pdf (631.8 KB)
Small Group Activity Page
-pdf (1.2 MB)