Learn Preschool: Volume 6

When we think of church, it’s easy for our mind to be instantly drawn to the building where we attend. However, in God’s design, the church isn’t the building that we gather in. Instead, church has everything to do with the people who are gathered there. In essence, the biblical church is not a building that we go to but a family of believers that we belong to.

As our Father, God’s heart is to adopt us into His family (Ephesians 1:5). When we choose to put our faith in Jesus, we instantly join God’s family. We not only belong to Him but we also belong to each other. Just like our natural families here on earth were meant to function, God uses our church family to meet our needs. A healthy church family offers love, encouragement, guidance, and accountability. As the family of God—the Church—we grow together, celebrate together, share together, and even serve together. As we make a commitment to God’s family, we will become stronger, more devoted followers of Jesus.