I Believe for Miracles

In this Learn session, preschoolers will discover God performed miracles to take care of Elijah’s need for food and water during a drought. We follow a God who not only sees what we need but also acts with supernatural power to help us. God provided for Elijah, and we can trust God to provide for us.
Session Downloads
Leader Guide
-docx (905.3 KB)
Preservice Bible Story Warm-up Page
-pdf (1.3 MB)
Faith Fact Sound
- mp4 (1,023.4 KB)
Faith Fact Slide
- jpg (206.1 KB)
Faith Verse Slide
- jpg (317.4 KB)
Bible Lesson Video A
- mp4 (717.8 MB)
Bible Lesson Video B
- mp4 (120.8 MB)
Small Group Activity Page
-pdf (1,004.9 KB)