Adam and Eve Sin

Our God is the Almighty God who created the heavens, earth, everything we see and everything we can’t see. In His infinite goodness, He gave us the world to enjoy and manage. He made this world for His pleasure and made us to be in relationship with Him. When that relationship was threatened through sin, God put a plan in place to save the world. He gave of Himself sacrificially. When corruption tried to ruin the world, God provided a remedy for sin through His perfect Son, the Savior of the world. That Savior emerged through the lineage of Adam, Noah, and Abraham. It is through this lineage that we received the Savior, and it started at the beginning of the world.

In this session, kids will learn that God is holy, and sin separates us from Him. They will be reminded that God created them, and that just like Adam and Eve made mistakes, we all mistakes. They will learn that God loves them no matter what!

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