God Helps Me with Loneliness

Everyone feels alone at different times in their life. As Christians, when we feel lonely, it’s important we know that God is with us. We can (and should) talk to Him about all our feelings. In our Bible story, Joseph may have felt more alone in prison than we can possibly imagine, but God sustained him through that season. God even used Joseph in this lonely time to help those around him.
Session Downloads
Leader Guide
-docx (979.5 KB)
Faith Fact Slide
- jpg (305.7 KB)
Faith Verse Video
- mp4 (20.2 MB)
Faith Verse Slide
- jpg (340.8 KB)
Bible Lesson Video
- mp4 (48.2 MB)
Large Group Game Slide
-pdf (353.5 KB)
Teaching Point Slide 1-3
-zip (585.9 KB)
Large Group Game Page
-pdf (876 KB)
Small Group Faith Verse Review
-pdf (599.6 KB)
Small Group Activity Page
-pdf (885.7 KB)