Jesus is Coming Back

In this Learn session, preschoolers will discover that Jesus is coming back for His people, but none of us know when that will be. The parable today describes the difference between a master returning home to find a faithful servant or an unfaithful one. As Christ’s followers, we don’t know when the hour will be, but we must be watchful and remain faithful for the day when Jesus returns.
Session Downloads
Leader Guide
-docx (931.6 KB)
Faith Fact Sound
- mp4 (1,023.4 KB)
Faith Fact Slide
- jpg (186.5 KB)
Faith Verse Slide
- jpg (381.8 KB)
Bible Lesson Video A
- mp4 (58.5 MB)
Bible Lesson Video B
- mp4 (105.8 MB)
Small Group Group Connection Page
-pdf (877 KB)
Small Group Activity Page
-pdf (1.2 MB)