Listen Carefully

In this Live session, preschoolers will explore the conversation Nicodemus had with Jesus one night. Nicodemus was a Jewish leader and a Pharisee, but he wanted to know more about Jesus. So, he found an opportunity to go and listen to Him. We can always listen to Jesus, too.
Session Downloads
Leader Guide
-docx (1.6 MB)
Faith Fact Sound
- mp4 (1,020.5 KB)
Faith Fact Slide
- jpg (187.5 KB)
Faith Verse Slide
- jpg (204.1 KB)
Faith Verse Video
- mp4 (18.8 MB)
Bible Lesson Video A
- mp4 (55.7 MB)
Bible Lesson Video B
- mp4 (63.6 MB)
Small Group Activity Page
-pdf (1.9 MB)