Digital curriculum that builds Bible-based small groups

Bible studies that work together to develop a lasting passion for the Bible

Discussion-focused group time
Create connection and encourage participation with engaging questions.

Thought-provoking videos
Emphasize biblical truths with captivating videos that enrich the lesson.

Personal devotions
Get people exploring the Bible on their own with devos that coordinate with session content.

Make it easy to lead a small group and build community—all in one app.
Small group studies that inspire deeper Bible engagement
With Bible Engagement Project’s small group studies, your small group will be a supportive community that knows how to dig into the Bible and apply it to life. Enriching videos and intriguing discussion questions will create the kind of moments that inspire members to continue engaging deeply with the Bible all week long.
Create a free account
Explore the Small Group Library
(All included with your Bible Engagement Project subscription)

Listen Adult
Through 40 weeks of intriguing, inspiring sessions, Listen curriculum walks your church through the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, so everyone can understand the entire epic story—and the amazing role God has for them in it.

Learn Adult
Learn Adult teaches small groups to dig into the depth of what Scripture teaches so they can discover what the Bible’s truths mean for their everyday lives and develop a passion for sharing those truths with others.

Live Adult
The most radical change a person will ever experience is through their encounters with Jesus. Live Adult shows each person how Jesus changes those He meets in the Bible and how to live out those same changes in their lives.
Digital curriculum, personal devotions, and more—all in one subscription
Here’s everything you get:

Preschool Curriculum

Kids Curriculum

Youth Small Group

Adult Small Group
How it Works

Subscribe to Bible Engagement Project
Subscribe to Bible Engagement Project

Download the App
Download the App

Invite your church
Invite your church

See everyone engage with the Bible!
See everyone engage with the Bible!